Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 19 - Athens

Piraeus is one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean and has been the port of Athens since ancient times.

As you can see, there is a constant stream of traffic flowing in and out of the harbor. We had to wait for these ships, as well as several more, to exit the harbor before we could even enter!

Since we've been to Athens many times, we planned to revisit some favorite spots from Chuck's layovers here. On our walk to the train station, we came upon what appeared at first to be a little smurf house just plopped down in a parking lot in the middle of the city! "What could this be?" we wondered.

This guy seems to be just as befuddled as we were! (I'll bet the people on the Cunard tour busses missed this completely!!) Sorry.... no answers here.... we're still scratching our heads...

We took the train to the Plaka, which is the Old Town of Athens. Since Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world with a recorded history of at least 3,000 years, that makes this maze of narrow streets pretty ancient! And nestled right up against the Acropolis as it is, just think how many sandaled feet trod these cobbled and winding byways! Yes, lots of old things to be seen old churches....

.... old walls....

....old facades....

....and, of course, the old Acropolis!

The area is bustling and brimming with little shops, kafeneions and tavernas.... a colorful feast for the eyes!

This mime caught Chuck's attention.

And we revisited this interesting shop where Chuck bought a letter opener the last time we were here.

Now.... who can recognize this sign??? YES! It's the spot where we enjoyed an ouzo-laden dinner with lots of our Queen Victoria buddies in 2008!!

...and here is the spot on the terrace where all that frivolity took place as the moon came up over the Acropolis! Gosh....we really miss you all!
(NOTE TO BLOG READERS: The following photos are dedicated to alumni of that memorable night!)

Larry.... since you weren't here to be photographed with Chuck in front of Starbucks, he had to settle for this rather wooden substitute.

I'd swear this is the same spot where Barbara and Damon did their little dance on the way back to the train station.

Reet....we couldn't ride the train back to Piraeus without singing a few bars of "I feel pretty.... oh so pretty...." in honor of your memorable operatic performance that night! (And, by the way.... we searched all along the route back to the ship and couldn't find any trace of your lost room key!!)

Don and Marilyn.... we tried very hard to achieve "the full-Kredel" effect on our walls but, alas, we just weren't on the ship long enough! Maybe next time!

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