We learned that the itinerary for this cruise is identical to that of QE2's maiden voyage. Our first port of call is Vigo in the northwest region of Spain. This city is the second largest fishing port in the world after Tokyo. It has been said that Vigo Bay is large enough to hold the combined fleets of all the world!

We headed out of the city to Bayona, a delightful fishing village and now a summer resort. The coastline is an outstanding feature of this region of Galicia.... the deep indentations, or "rias" are said to resemble fjords.
And now....history lesson for today: We all know that in fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue....with the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. What you might not know is that after discovering the Americas, the Santa Maria stayed there while the Nina and the Pinta returned to Spain to report on their findings. The two ships were separated in a storm and the Pinta was blown far north and landed here in Bayona. The people of Bayona therefore claim to be the first to have heard of the discovery of the New World.

They are very proud of the replica of the Pinta in their harbor.
There's almost always a surprise for us in every port! We were excited to hear the wail of bagpipes as we approached the ship at the end of the day and learned that they are traditional in this area.

Just imagine a lilting tune as you look at this photograph of dancers in native dress!
Susan: You must be having too much fun, as no blog commentary in a while. We miss it. Or you and Mr. C are taking classes all day, and dancing the night away. Wonder where you are right now?
Ron: We love getting your comments! We are definitely having fun...but the real reason for delayed blog commentary is the abysmal internet service on the ship! Patience will be rewarded! Miss you guys...and the confluence too
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