Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More January 6th - Settling In!

Our new dinner partners, Rodney and Rhona!

And now...let the jockeying for dinner partners begin! We have been placed at a table with Mary who has ditched her husband in England to do the maiden transatlantic crossing to New York by herself. We realize pretty quickly that this isn't going to work. She is sitting next to Chuck and speaks in barely a whisper...but is constantly speaking! Chuck catches maybe every sixth word or so, at best. I'm on the other side of the table and, since I'm not proficient in lip reading....I hear nary a word! I spend the entire meal politely smiling and nodding at seemingly appropriate intervals. She is a sweet lady...but this just won't work! So we look for the maitre d' on our way out of the dining room. And there he is! With a couple who are gesticulating wildly and bouncing index fingers on his seating diagram. He excuses himself and walks away...must have to regroup after what has probably been a nonstop barrage of dissatisfaction. I laugh and say to Chuck, "I'll bet they're doing the same thing we're doing." The words are no sooner out of my mouth than they turn around in exasperation and our eyes meet! We are like drowning rats grasping at anything afloat! They reveal that they're REALLY not complainers....and we offer that we're REALLY quite easy going....and by the time the harried maitre d' has returned to his podium (seemingly minus a few hairplugs!) we suggest to him that he can easily solve his problems by giving us a table for four. He pounds his gavel/fist on the auction block/podium and squeals, "Sold!" And thus, Rodney and Rhona from Liverpool become our dinner partners!! Let the feasting begin!!

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